Friday, October 25, 2013

Words by Florence PERCY.
Library of Congress

Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight!
Make me a child again, just for to-night!
Mother, come back from the echoless shore,
Take me again to your heart, as of yore.
Kiss from my forehead tho furrows of care,
Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair..
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep..
Rock me to sleep, Mother, rock me to sleep!

Clasped to your heart, in a loving embrace,
With your light lashes just sweeping my face,
Never here-after to wake or to weep..
Rock me to sleep, Mother, rock me to sleep!
Over my heart, in the days that are flown,
No love, like mother-love, ever has shone;
No other worship abides and endures,
Faithful, unselfish and patient, like yours.
None, like a mother, can charm away pain
From the sick soul and the world-weary brain;
Slumber's soft calms o'er my heavy lids creep..
Rock me to sleep, Mother, rock me to sleep!

Chorus: Clasped to your heart, &c.

Come, let your brown hair, just lighted with gold,
Fall on your shoulders again, as of old;
Let it drop over my forehead to-night,
Shading my faint eyes away from the light..
For, with its sunny edged shadows, once more,
Haply will throng the sweet visions of yore,
Lovingly, softly, its bright billows seep..
Rock me to sleep, Mother, rock me to sleep!

Chorus: Clasped to your heart, &c.

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